Smash 4 Rules

Super Smash Brothers for Wii U Rule Set

  • 2 Stocks (3 Stocks in Doubles)
  • 6 Minutes (8 Minutes in Doubles)
  • Handicap: Off
  • Damage Ratio: 1.0x
  • Team Attack: On
  • Items set to Off and None
  • Pause is set to “Off”
    • If the game is paused by a player, that player is forced to immediately forfeit a stock. We will be checking to make sure that every setup has pausing turned off. However, in the instance that a console is reset without us realizing, all players are encouraged to double check each setup before they play their set. The opposing player may deem that stock forfeit.
    • If the game is paused by a player in doubles that no longer has any stocks remaining, the opposing team may deem that the player’s partner’s stock forfeit. The player that paused the game, in this case, cannot take a stock, and the player’s teammate must forfeit their current stock.
  • Sets are best of 3
    • All payout placings will be Best of 5 (Top 8 if 50+ players)
  • Double Elimination
  • Custom turned to off.
  • Custom Equipment is not allowed
  • Any game that goes to Time will ignore the Sudden Death tie breaker. The winner of the game will be decided firstly by who has more stocks, with the player that has more stocks being awarded the win. If stocks are tied, the player with less percentage is declared the winner. If both stocks and percentage are tied, a 1 stock, 3 minute rematch will occur. This rematch will take place on the same stage, with all players playing the original characters they played, and all other rules and settings remaining the same.
  • Self-Destruct Moves: If a match ends with the successful use of a character’s self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner.
  • Stage Clause: A Player/team may not pick the last stage they previously won on during the set, unless both players agree to it.
  • Under no circumstances may players play by a different set of rules, play any stage not legal in the rule set, or play a different game in substitution of their tournament set.
  • Cloud is Banned in doubles: Following the rules being set nationally Cloud will be banned from use in doubles
  • Mii Fighters are allowed
  • Mii Fighers can be any setting, but must be one of the 6 default guest Mii’s and the tag must reflect the setting such as‘1232’
  • Once a Mii is used in a set it must remain that loadout for the entirety of that set. Example: Game one Mii Brawler 1132 is used. For game two the player using the Mii Brawler cannot change to Mii Brawler 1122. They can however make and use a Mii Gunner with any setting for game two since that Mii fighter hasn’t been used yet in the set.
  • Showing the Mii Fighter move sets on the test screen or in a button check is not required.
  • In doubles, players may not switch controllers with their teammate.
  • If a player’s teammate is not present for a game, the match may not continue until their teammate arrives. They may not play a 2v1 or play with a CPU.
  • Friendly Fire is enabled
  • Stock Sharing is allowed


Stage List

Starter Stages
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Town & City

Counterpick/Alternative Stages
Dreamland 64*
Omega Stages**
Ruling on Alternative Stages:

* Dreamland is treated as Battlefield in banning phase. If Battlefield is banned, Dream Land 64 is also banned and vice-versa. Dreamland may not be selected during the first game of the set.

** Treated as Final Destination in banning phase. If Final Destination is banned, Omega Stages are banned and vice versa. Omegas may not be chosen during the first game of the set. You may only choose the following Omega Stages: Midgar, Suzaku Castle and Wily Castle.



Set Procedure

First Game of the Set:

  1. If one player wishes to contest for port priority, this is done now. This can be done through rock paper scissors, coin flip, etc.
    • Ports in Smash for Wii U can be changed by exiting and re-entering the character select screen. The first player to press a button or move the control stick has will receive the lowest available port.
  2. Players choose their characters. Double Blind may be requested by either player.
    • When a player request Double Blind, the player on the left side decides which they will choose and whispers his selection to a member of staff.
  3. The member of staff then signals the player on the right to pick his character.
  4. Once the player on the right has finished, the Member of Staff makes sure the player on the left sticks to his original choice.
  5. Players decide who will strike first. This can be agreed upon or be decided through Rock Paper Scissors, Coin Flip, etc.
  6. Players strike stages in a 1-2-1 fashion, with Player A striking one stage, Player B striking two stages, and then player A striking one last stage. The remaining stage is what is played on during the first game.

Following Games:

  1. If the losing player wishes to change port priority, this is done now.
    • Ports in Smash for Wii U can be changed by exiting and re-entering the character select screen. The first player to press a button or move the control stick will receive the lowest available port.
  2. After each game of the set, before counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban one stage from either the starter or counterpick list. This ban does not persist throughout the set.
  3. The loser of the previous game selects one stage from the starter or counterpick list for the next game to be played on.
  4. The winner of the previous game selects the character he or she will play during the next game.
  5. The loser of the previous game selects the character he or she will play during the next game.




  • Coaching and giving advice is not allowed during or between matches. This includes any advice or insight that could affect the match from an outside source. This does not include cheering and encouragement.
  • In the instance that an attendee is found coaching a player during or between tournament matches, the player, the coach, or both, would be subject to disqualification, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.

Time Before and In Between Games

  • Once both players have reported to the station, they are given a minute and a half each to make their name, set controls, make Mii Fighters, etc.
  • A 30 second button check will be allowed after stage selection has been decided. This button check can only be done prior to game one.
    • If a player goes over the button check time limit, notify a Tournament Organizer. If a player does not start the match after the T.O.’s instructions and continues the button check, they will receive a loss for game one of the set.

Tardiness and Preventing the Set from Progressing

  • Matches are to be played immediately after they have been announced. If you cannot find your opponent, inform staff so that we can help find the player.
  • A game/set loss will be given regardless of whether the player was in the venue to hear the warning or not.
    • After 5 minutes we will issue a warning if the game has not yet been played.
    • After 10 minutes we will issue a game loss to the player that is preventing the game from being played out.
    • After 15 minutes we will issue a set loss to the player that is preventing the game from being played out.
    • If both players are absent for the 10 minutes of the disqualification process, both players will receive a game loss, and the last game of the match will be played on a neutral, decided by stage strike.
    • If both players are absent for the 15 minutes of the disqualification process, the set win will be given to the first player to report to staff.
  • If your opponent is taking too long to start a match, inform a member of staff and a timer will be set in place.
    • After five minutes from this point, a game loss will be issued towards the player that is preventing the match from being played.
  • If two players are to be disqualified for different reasons, it is up to the Tournament Organizer’s discretion to decide whom to give the set win to. In most instances, being absent from the venue will be a heavier offense than others.



  • Do not play friendlies on setups designated for tournament matches
  • A warning will be given, however future offenders face disqualification. Setups will be designated for friendlies and announced to all players when the active tournament winds down.
  • Do not play a tournament match on a setup designated for friendlies.
  • If you are found playing friendlies while you have a tournament match to play, you face disqualification. Even if you cannot find your opponent, do not decide to start playing friendlies.


Bring Your Own Controller

  • Gamecube Controllers: There will be a Nintendo Gamecube Adapter at each setup.
  • Wii U Pro Controller: wired method with battery removed.Bring your own USB cable (model WUP-018) to plug into Wii U to play
  • Wii Remotes: Batteries must be removed whenever a player leaves a station.
  • Smashbox will be Legal for Smash 4 at BSG tournaments.
  • The Use of Wii U Gamepads is prohibited. If someone’s Gamepad is present at a station, do not use it.

A full setup consists of the following:

  • A Wii U with all the appropriate cables.
    • All of the available characters unlocked, all tournament legal stages, and most current patch/update is required.
    • Setups cannot have any mods active.
  • Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
  • HDTV (Widescreen settings)
  • Gamecube Adapter* (Nintendo brand only. Off-brand Gamecube adapters will not be accepted)

For Participants that brought a full setup that use for the tournament, you will have your venue fee returned to you at the end of the event.

Round Robin/Bracket Pools

  • Singles will contain elimination pools. This will be done by round robin rules if the Tournament is under 48 players. 48+ players will result in Bracket pools.
  • The seeds that players will receive from Round Robin Pools, as well as who will advance to bracket will be decided in the following order:
    1. Who won more sets
    2. Record of wins minus losses out of all games in the pool
    3. Head to head
    4. In the instance of a full tie still existing, the tied players will replay their matches against each other.